Before I selected a hair vendor for She She Lux, I had to try out the hair. I love the hair from my vendor and so do my customers. My hair is natural so I use weaves and wigs for protective styling sometimes. I usually use closures since my hair is neither kinky nor straight. It's a little in between. With that being said, most extensions don't blend well with my hair. I installed the Malaysian Body Wave bundles with a closure and I love this hair because it is versatile. I can wear a wet and wavy look, a curled, or straight look. I installed this hair 3 times and its still in good shape....but what happened was...the last install, I just stuffed the hair into a bag and kept it moving because I was gonna just toss the hair. I was going to trash it since I wasn't really into wearing closures. I was going to throw the hair away. After that, I installed twists for two months, using Bushy combs Chebe Butter and Aloe Vera spritzer daily. The plan was to take it out the twists and re-install them. My hair is usually thin so I wanted to keep it protected for the winter. After removing the twists, I noticed my hair was a little thicker and had a good amount of growth so I decided to blow it out an straighten it. I would then install the Malaysian hair for a little more length and volume and try to blend it with my straightened hair. I washed the She She Lux Malaysian Body Wave hair, which was a matted mess (dammit for stuffing it in the bag). I washed, conditioned, and de-tangled the hair. I let it dry on a rack then I brushed it out. What i noticed from me being careless with the hair (the bag stuffage) is that the hair resembled my hair texture.. WHAAATTT!!! This is great. I thought I ruined the hair but shiiiddddddd, I made it better. I installed it WITHOUT a closure and it blended perfect with my natural hair. So what I thought was a disaster, turned out to be the answer..yayyyyyyyy!!